Monday, 3 December 2012

Winter running - don´t let the snow stop you!

In my opinion winter is the best season for running! As long as it is dry and not snowing at the time I get out I love it. The combination of the cool air, the dark and that there is almost no people out gives me an adrenalin kick which make me perform better. Watching my step carefully makes it a challenge and makes me forget how exhausting it is!

Running in cold temperatures has not been found dangerous for healthy people, as long as you dress correctly. On the contrary there are some advantages as it has been found that you burn up to 12% more calories and 32% more fat exercising in cold temperatures due to the extra effort needed to keep warm. I myself have never felt any signs of even catching a cold, although I have a personal limit of not running when the temperature falls below -10 degrees Celsius. My record though is in -13 degrees Celsius.

This winter I am thinking of investing in a couple of Ice bug trainers!
Shoes made for winter running!

1 comment:

  1. Jag har också funderat på att köpa dem men eftersom jag inte hört några rekommendationer har jag inte gjort det. Väntar på din åsikt ;)
