Friday, 19 April 2013

new development project - An update!

We made it! Sold 80% of the total amount of flats and did so in less than 2 months!

We are awesome!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Time is not om my side....

On the couch watching the hockey game and relaxing after a wonderful run in the sun! Can't stop thinking about work though.... I need to sell 2 more flats before saturday in order to get the 2nd bonus, and how am I going to do that? Think, think....

Cockroaches and transaction failure...

I should have listened to my body and stayed in bed yesterday hence it turned out to quite a disasterous day including finding out that an apartment is infested with cockroaches, missing keys, sellers not having emptied storages, and lots of money on the loose. On top of it closing a deal with buyers from Iceland which is easier said than done. As if it wasn´t difficult to withdrawl money from Iceland before you now have involve the embassy!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Not feeling like it....

Didn´t feel like going to work today at all...Been working around the clock and April is turning out to be an all-time-high month with the number of sales as of toady already exceeding any month the past year. Still, working long days and adding renovating my new flat is wearing me down...Anyways here I am and in typical me style not feeling like going to work I got up and got here an hour earlier than normal.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Vacation? - In my dreams..

..Been working like crazy! Dubai? Forget about it!

Although still freezing and spring seems nowhere to be found, the sun came out and the swedes woke up with an extreme hunger for buying housing. Only this week we have closed 3 2 more signings planned for the weekend. And to what prices! Extreme bidding wars and we are making 3 all time high in 3 different areas of the town.

Regarding the new development project we´ve sold 19 now...need to sell 5 more before 20th of April to get my second bonus...Better get to work. Got a meeting booked for Sunday morning, that better pay off!

OK, 7:50 p.m.....Better finish off here and get going. Time for a Friday after work :)